Rosmar Booth Hon Ret RMS PVPRMS HSF MASF

Rosmar (Rosamaria) Booth was born in Olot, a picturesque Catalan town on the river Fluvia close to the Pyrenees , Northern Spain. Rosmar lives in the county of Essex UK.
A former fashion designer and language tutor, Rosmar studied Art privately and at college whiles living in Spain, France and England. Winner of 19 Awards, she has participated in many Art Exhibitions in United Kingdom, USA, Spain, France, Northern Ireland, Australia, Russia and Canada, for many years she had exhibited with the prestigious Royal Society of Miniature Painters Sculptors and Gravers in London, also Royal Academy of Arts "Summer Exhibition", Mall Galleries, Barbican, Christie's, Llewellyn Alexander and others venues.
She has entries in many publications including: Who is Who in Art. The Centenary Book of the RMS. Dictionary of International Biography. Great Woman of the 21st Century. Artists of the Millennium Encyclopaedia European, and others.
Rosmar is a Hon Ret member and past Vice-President of the Royal Miniature Society, a founder member of the Hilliard Society of Miniaturists, and a member of the Miniature Art Society of Florida.
The following paintings are currently available for purchase - please Contact the Office